Graduates in Engineering in Industrial Organization are responsible for different operations in an industrial enterprise (logistics, purchasing, layout, etc). They have both strong technological background and business management skills.
FAVOURABLE Accreditation by AQU (2500263-70106-17).
The Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization aims to train up professionals who are competent in manufacturing materials and processes, in strategic and tactical planning for competitive manufacturing, in the use of statistics, simulations and information technologies, in business management, in finance and in human resources management.
The aim of this course is for its graduates to be able to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy in a way that is in keeping with the business strategy according to efficiency and sustainability criteria.
Graduates understand the relationships of engineering with management tasks: planning, organizing, leading and controlling, with research and service organizations and also integrate these management systems into different technological environments.
This degree continues the tradition of industrial engineering, combining pure engineering skills with skills in management, which gives its graduates a highly versatile profile from companies' point of view. It also includes the specific contribution of new Information and Communication Technologies, and of the Industry 4.0 paradigm. It centres on operations' management with a special emphasize on business management training.
EUSS offers a limited number of spots in all its degree programs that allow students to pursue a Dual Mention. This option enables students to complete their fourth-year training through alternating periods between EUSS and a company or institution in the field. This model perfectly aligns with the applied engineering philosophy at EUSS.
Specifically, the program includes two internships in a company (450 hours per semester) plus the completion of a Bachelor’s Degree Final Project (TFG) within the same entity (450 hours). During this period, students will participate in company training sessions while also maintaining contact with EUSS by taking one fourth-year course per semester. The program includes dual supervision from both EUSS, and the company.
In today's fast-evolving technological landscape, the Dual Mention is designed to help students develop their competencies in companies and institutions within the sector, ensuring they stay up-to-date with the latest innovations and technologies. Additionally, this training allows students to intensively develop their transversal skills while facilitating the transition from academia to the professional world.
*Pending approval by the Agency for Quality Assurance in the Catalan University System (AQU Catalunya).
The Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering in Industrial Organization aims to train up professionals who are competent in manufacturing materials and processes, in strategic and tactical planning for competitive manufacturing, in the use of statistics, simulations and information technologies, in business management, in finance and in human resources management.
The aim of this course is for its graduates to be able to design, develop, implement and improve integrated systems that include people, materials, information, equipment and energy in a way that is in keeping with the business strategy according to efficiency and sustainability criteria.
Graduates understand the relationships of engineering with management tasks: planning, organizing, leading and controlling, with research and service organizations and also integrate these management systems into different technological environments.
The program aims to prepare graduates with technical and leadership skills necessary to design systems, manufacturing operations, maintenance, commercial techniques or service functions in an industrial enterprise.
Los estudiantes, al acabar el grado, serán capaces de:
Check the section Future students to obtain information on admission to studies according to each access route, university pre-enrolment, registration, welcome sessions and scholarships.
On August 6, 2020 will be published the allocation of places for students who have applied for admission to the university through the University Pre-enrolment in July. The enrolment of these students will be from September 7 to 10, 2020.
As the centre will be closed for holidays from July 30 to September 1, as soon as we receive the list of people assigned to the centre, we will send you an email to give you the first directions for the registration and invite you to the Welcome Session. From September 1, we will be contacting you by phone.
The Welcome Session for new students will take place on Thursday, September 3, 2020, at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is advisable that students attend the session, since in it we will explain practical aspects about the enrolment process and it is a good opportunity to start familiarizing yourself with the centre and its operation. In addition, once the reception session is finished, a documentation verification circuit will be carried out and you will be assigned the day and time to register according to your access route.
It is important that, before receiving the assignment, you start collecting the necessary documentation for registration. In the case of students from other universities that want to recognize subjects from your previous studies, we recommend that you present your applications for recognition in advance to have them resolved on the day of registration.
For students applying for admission to the university in the University Pre-enrolment of October, the publication of the allocation of places will be made on October 16, 2020, while enrolment will take place on October 19 and 20, 2020.
As in the September period, as soon as we receive the list of assignments to the centre, we will contact you to inform you about the registration process.
Because deadlines are tighter than in September, it is even more important that you have the necessary documentation prepared before the day of registration.
In the case of students from other universities that want to recognize subjects from your previous studies, we recommend that you submit your applications for recognition in advance to have them resolved on the day of registration.
For more information on the documentation that you must submit according to each access route, consult the Access, admission and enrolment section.
The enrolment is done by subjects and each subject has a number of credits. Credit price is established annually and in the 2022-2023 academic year is 122,34 euros/credit. Therefore, a new student who enrols 60 credits and without any reduction has to pay 7.340,40 euros plus administrative fees and school insurance (280,62 euros approximately).
As a centre that offers official degrees, our students can obtain reductions that are recognized by law:
Reductions determined by the Decree of public prices of the Generalitat de Catalunya:
Students in the general or special category of large families
Students with a registered disability of 33% or more
Students who have obtained a distinction in High School
Students who are victims of acts of terrorism, their spouses and their children
Students who are victims of domestic violence
Ministry of Education general grants (GRAL): these scholarships are granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and in Catalonia are processed online through the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).
Scholarships of the Rinaldi Foundation: the Rinaldi Private Foundation allocates an annual budget for scholarships to facilitate access to the university to those who need it. For more information, consult the following section.
Students from the advanced vocational training (CFGS) courses listed below who are starting on the degrees that are also listed may apply for their CFGS credits to be recognised and added to their UAB academic transcript. Certain subjects on the corresponding degree syllabus will be recognised as passed, in accordance with the ruling of the UAB's Academic Affairs Committee.
The recognition will apply to the whole group of subjects included in this ruling and will be recorded in the students' academic transcripts as "apt" and specifying they have been recognised, which means that the subject is regarded as passed but is not taken into consideration when calculating the global average grade for the academic transcript.
Check the documents you will find below.
As a strategic element of its educational and social action, the EUSS has adopted an Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) that ensures students and other groups in the academic community the full satisfaction of their needs and expectations.
This system is a consequence of the firm commitment of the institution to offer quality training programs with measures to ensure its continuous evaluation and improvement.
For more information on the EUSS quality policy and its indicators, click here.
¿En qué consiste la formación en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial?
La Ingeniería en Organización Industrial tiene entre sus objetivos el valorizar en términos económicos la tecnología y, en este sentido, acerca la dimensión estrictamente tecnológica de otras especialidades de la ingeniería al ámbito empresarial. Esto contribuye a la aproximación de la universidad a la realidad de las empresas y su entorno.
Las competencias principales son:
¿Qué salidas laborales tiene un Graduado o una Graduada en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial?
Son profesionales muy demandados y demandadas por las empresas en general, no solo industriales, cubriendo un amplio espectro.
Su perfil comprende varias perspectivas profesionales:
Los Graduados y las Graduadas en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial han asumido tradicionalmente funciones de alta responsabilidad en empresas, particularmente en el sector industrial y empresas de base tecnológica. Pero también han sido, muchas veces, los emprendedores y las emprendedoras que fundan estas empresas.
¿Qué salidas académicas tiene un Graduado o una Graduada en Ingeniería en Organización Industrial?
Con esta titulación puedes acceder a un amplio abanico de másteres universitarios o propios de cualquier universidad europea. Será necesario que consultes las condiciones de acceso de cada máster en concreto.
Complete the form below and we will answer as soon as possible.
If your dream is to study engineering, come and meet us in our informative sessions!
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 7 p.m. | Presential / Online |
Thursday, March 13, 2025 | 7 p.m. | Presential / Online |
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 | 7 p.m. | Presential / Online |
Wednesday, May 14, 2025 | 7 p.m. | Presential / Online |
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 | 7 p.m. | Presential / Online |
The online sessions are in Catalan or Spanish language. More information in this link.
An informative session includes an explanation of the contents taught in the bachelor's degree programmes offered by the school and their career opportunities.
It also provides information on access to the university, university pre-enrolment, scholarships, prices and enrolment.
Finally, you and your family can take a brief guided tour of the school's facilities, with special emphasis on the different laboratories where the practices for each subject are developed.
Please, fill in the form below in order to register your attendance!
Come and meet our school at the Open Day that we will celebrate on the following dates:
Sunday, April 6, 2025 | From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. |
Tuesday, June 17, 2025 | From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. |
During these open days, you and your family will be able to visit all the facilities of the school, with special emphasis on the different laboratories. In addition, you will be able to talk with students who will tell you about their experience at EUSS.
There will also be an informative session about our offer of bachelor's degree programmes and their content, as well as other topics that will be of special interest to you: access to the university, university pre-enrolment, scholarships, prices, enrolment, credit recognition, etc.
Please, fill in the form below in order to register your attendance!