
Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency (GEREE)

As a Graduate in Engineering in Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency you will be up to date renewable energy sources, such as hydro, wind, photovoltaic, geothermal, solar thermal, solar thermoelectric (Concentrated Solar Power, CSP), and biomass; you will have skills oriented towards the search for new energy sources its technology, and you will be able to design, implement and maintain energy processes in electricity generation and grid connection, transportation, and energy storage; providing solutions to optimize the entire process considering saving measures and efficient use of energy.

At the Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià we will accompany you on the path of becoming an engineer with our Engineering by Doing style, a style based on competency based learning that is applied by giving a prominent weight to active activities, especially the realization of integrated projects team and to the practical in-company training.


You will have authorization to sign industry projects as a Competent Qualified Technician through the Enginyers BCN professional association.

Vídeos del GEREE (GEL)

Alumni Experiences GEREE (GEL)

GEREE | Syllabus

  • Name: Bachelor's Degree in Engineering in Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency.
  • Diploma: Graduate in Engineering in Renewable Energies & Energy Efficiency.
  • Duration:: 4 years / 240 ECTS.
  • Specializations: Electrical Engineering / Dual Specialisation. Specializations are learning tracks included in the diploma. 

Mención Dual


La EUSS ofrece en todos sus grados algunas plazas que permiten seguir una Mención Dual. Esta opción permite al alumnado que la formación del cuarto curso se realice en alternancia entre la EUSS y alguna empresa o institución del ámbito. Esta modalidad encaja a la perfección con la filosofía de ingeniería aplicada que se ofrece en la EUSS.


Concretamente, el programa incluye dos estancias en la empresa (450 h en cada semestre) más el desarrollo de un Trabajo de Fin de Grado (TFG) en la misma entidad (450 h). Durante esta estancia el alumnado participará en formaciones en la misma empresa y además seguirá en contacto con la EUSS cursando una asignatura de 4º curso en cada semestre. El programa incluye una doble tutoría por parte de la EUSS y la empresa.


En el contexto tecnológico actual, con una evolución extremadamente rápida, la Mención Dual debe permitir que el alumnado desarrolle sus competencias en empresas e instituciones del sector que permitirán estar al día de todas las nuevas innovaciones y tecnologías. Además, esta formación facilita que el alumnado trabaje de forma especialmente intensa sus competencias transversales a la vez que se facilita el paso del ámbito académico a la realidad laboral.







*Pendiente de aprobación por parte de la Agència de Qualitat del Sistema Universitari (AQU Catalunya)

More information about GEREE

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Informative sessions about bachelor's degrees


If your dream is to study engineering, come and meet us in our informative sessions!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025 7 p.m. Presential / Online
Thursday, March 13, 2025 7 p.m. Presential / Online
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 7 p.m. Presential / Online
Wednesday, May 14, 2025 7 p.m. Presential / Online
Wednesday, May 28, 2025 7 p.m. Presential / Online


The online sessions are in Catalan or Spanish language. More information in this link.


An informative session includes an explanation of the contents taught in the bachelor's degree programmes offered by the school and their career opportunities.


It also provides information on access to the university, university pre-enrolment, scholarships, prices and enrolment.


Finally, you and your family can take a brief guided tour of the school's facilities, with special emphasis on the different laboratories where the practices for each subject are developed.


Please, fill in the form below in order to register your attendance!

Open Days


Come and meet our school at the Open Day that we will celebrate on the following dates:


Sunday, April 6, 2025 From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tuesday, June 17, 2025  From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.


Where are we located?


During these open days, you and your family will be able to visit all the facilities of the school, with special emphasis on the different laboratories. In addition, you will be able to talk with students who will tell you about their experience at EUSS.

There will also be an informative session about our offer of bachelor's degree programmes and their content, as well as other topics that will be of special interest to you: access to the university, university pre-enrolment, scholarships, prices, enrolment, credit recognition, etc.

Please, fill in the form below in order to register your attendance!