Thanks to the ability, versatility and flexibility that engineers have to develop the different functions according to their specialty, there is a high demand for this type of professionals in our country.
At the EUSS you will find:
5 bachelor's degrees:
A double bachelor's degree:
Our Engineering by doing educational model, which gives as much importance to attitudes than to aptitudes.
A vocation for training people within the field of engineering.
A style that enhances the practical aspect of studies through project work and internships in companies.
A space where you can develop your creativity, with all the technology at your fingertips.
50% of the teaching time in laboratories with constantly renewed facilities that will allow you to learn each of the skills of the profession.
20% of the subjects in English.
Small groups in classrooms and environments for teamwork.
Mobility programs to study at universities around the world.
Morning and afternoon schedules and even a night schedule designed for people who want to combine studies and work.
A family atmosphere and a very close and humane treatment by the entire educational community.
Tutoring and orientation for each of the stages of the studies.
An Orientation and Professional Insertion Service in constant contact with companies, which translates into 100% of the students doing professional internships.
A very high professional insertion rate according to the Labor Insertion Reports of the Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya.
A high level of satisfaction from graduates and collaborating companies.
The university pre-enrolment process is a coordinated system for the distribution of university places which ensures equal conditions for students entering their first year of any university degree course.
The University Admissions Office manages the university pre-enrolment at the seven Catalan public universities and the private University of Vic–Central University of Catalonia.
University pre-enrolment must be completed online at the university admissions portal, before the deadline established for each pre-enrolment period. You must follow the specific instructions to register correctly and complete the pre-enrolment. In some cases, you may need to submit documents so that the pre-enrolment is valid and you can be included in the process of allocation of places.
You must ensure that you have completed the pre-enrolment process correctly. To do this, once you have completed the procedure, a PDF document will be generated showing the details of the pre-enrolment. You should check that the date and time of processing are shown on this.
Once you have completed pre-enrolment, you can change your study centre preferences as many times as you want up to the last day of the pre-enrolment period. Remember that once you have made the changes, the new pre-enrolment voucher must show the date and the time of processing.
See the pre-enrolment calendar.
On August 6, 2020 will be published the allocation of places for students who have applied for admission to the university through the University Pre-enrolment in July. The enrolment of these students will be from September 7 to 10, 2020.
As the centre will be closed for holidays from July 30 to September 1, as soon as we receive the list of people assigned to the centre, we will send you an email to give you the first directions for the registration and invite you to the Welcome Session. From September 1, we will be contacting you by phone.
The Welcome Session for new students will take place on Thursday, September 3, 2020. It is advisable that students attend the session, since in it we will explain practical aspects about the enrolment process and it is a good opportunity to start familiarizing yourself with the centre and its operation. In addition, once the reception session is finished, a documentation verification circuit will be carried out and you will be assigned the day and time to register according to your access route.
It is important that, before receiving the assignment, you start collecting the necessary documentation for registration. In the case of students from other universities that want to recognize subjects from your previous studies, we recommend that you present your applications for recognition in advance to have them resolved on the day of registration.
For students applying for admission to the university in the University Pre-enrolment of October, the publication of the allocation of places will be made on October 16, 2020, while enrolment will take place on October 19 and 20, 2020.
As in the September period, as soon as we receive the list of assignments to the centre, we will contact you to inform you about the registration process.
Because deadlines are tighter than in September, it is even more important that you have the necessary documentation prepared before the day of registration.
In the case of students from other universities that want to recognize subjects from your previous studies, we recommend that you submit your applications for recognition in advance to have them resolved on the day of registration.
For more information on the documentation that you must submit according to each access route, consult the Access, admission and enrolment section.
The Rinaldi Foundation offers each academic year four types of scholarships so that students who enrol in the Salesian University School of Sarrià can deal with the financing of a part of the cost of their studies.
Students who receive these aids can renew them each course as long as they meet the criteria established in their bases.
General description of our scholarships:
Collaboration scholarship: you will receive an amount to carry out 150 hours of collaboration tasks during the course in a department or service of the school.
Study grant: if you have a good academic performance, you can benefit from a direct discount on tuition fees (25% of the credit.)
Don Bosco scholarship: if you have studied in a Salesian school, you can apply for this scholarship that will allow you to study undergraduate studies at a public price, with the commitment to carry out 200 hours of collaborative tasks during the course in a department or service of the school.
Domènec Savio scholarship: if you have experience in activities of service to society, you can apply for this scholarship that will allow you to study undergraduate studies at a public price, with the commitment to perform 200 hours of collaborative tasks during the course within the Pastoral group.
Check the bases of our scholarships at the end of this page.
A continuación, encontrarás la convocatoria de becas de la Fundación Rinaldi para el curso 2024-2025.
Primera convocatoria ordinaria mayo-junio:
En esta convocatoria pueden presentar su solicitud tanto estudiantes de la EUSS como estudiantes de nuevo acceso que cumplan los requisitos descritos en estas bases. Esta primera convocatoria se abre para los tres tipos de beca: Ayuda al estudio, Colaboración y Don Bosco. Las solicitudes deberán entregarse presencialmente en la Gestión Académica del 2 de mayo al 6 de junio de 2024, junto con la documentación que se especifica en las bases. No se aceptarán solicitudes sin la documentación necesaria.
Para estudiantes que vivan lejos o que no puedan desplazarse al centro para presentar su solicitud de manera presencial, se aceptarán aquellas que lleguen por correo postal certificado, siempre que vayan acompañadas de toda la documentación necesaria. En este caso, será necesario que el o la estudiante envíe comprobante de haber hecho el envío dentro del plazo establecido para la presentación de las solicitudes mediante un correo electrónico a la Gestión Académica: [email protected].
Segunda convocatoria ordinaria octubre:
En esta convocatoria pueden presentar su solicitud solo estudiantes de nuevo acceso y traslados de expediente. Todas las personas que hayan pedido beca en la primera convocatoria y sus solicitudes hayan sido denegadas, entrarán automáticamente a optar a las becas de esta convocatoria. Esta segunda convocatoria se abre solo para becas de Colaboración. Las solicitudes deberán entregarse presencialmente en la Gestión Académica del 30 de septiembre al 8 de octubre 2024, junto con la documentación que se especifica en las bases. No se aceptarán solicitudes sin la documentación necesaria.
Convocatoria extraordinaria:
Durante el curso existe la posibilidad de abrir una convocatoria extraordinaria de becas para cubrir vacantes de Colaboración. Se aceptarán solicitudes de estudiantes tanto de nuevo acceso como de otros cursos. Las solicitudes de las personas que hayan sido descartadas en las dos convocatorias ordinarias pasarán automáticamente a optar. La Gestión Académica publicará, si es el caso, la convocatoria extraordinaria correspondiente, con los plazos y la documentación necesaria para la solicitud, así como las plazas vacantes y los horarios disponibles.
¿Dónde puedo obtener el documento de la declaración de la renta, el borrador o la exención de la declaración del año 2023?
Cada integrante de la unidad familiar ha de solicitarlo a la Agencia Tributaria. Esta solicitud puede ser telemática.
Para las personas que hacen declaración de la renta: Solicitud de la copia de la declaración de la renta 2023 presentada.
Para las personas que tienen ingresos, pero que no están obligadas a presentar la declaración: Solicitud del certificado de estar al corriente de obligaciones tributarias.
Para las personas que no tienen ingresos: Solicitud de certificado tributario de imputaciones o certificado negativo.
¿Qué es el certificado o volante de convivencia? ¿Dónde puedo obtenerlo?
El certificado o volante de convivencia es el documento que demuestra dónde y con quién está empadronada una persona en el municipio, el día que se pide el volante. Se obtiene en el ayuntamiento de la población donde residas y deberá haber sido expedido dentro de los 30 días anteriores a la presentación de la solicitud de beca. No servirá el padrón individual.
Si ya tenía beca de Colaboración y/o Ayuda al estudio el curso pasado, ¿he de presentar toda la documentación otra vez?
Sí, porque cada año pueden cambiar las condiciones económicas o personales. Además, por confidencialidad, la documentación de tipo personal se destruye tras la concesión de las becas.
Si ya tenía beca Don Bosco el curso pasado, ¿he de presentar toda la documentación otra vez?
No, en este caso solamente es necesaria la solicitud.
Si ya tenía beca de familiar de personal de la EUSS el curso pasado, ¿he de presentar toda la documentación otra vez?
No, en este caso solamente es necesaria la solicitud.
¿Puedo presentar la documentación telemáticamente o vía email?
No, la entrega de la documentación se debe hacer presencialmente en la EUSS con cita previa. Para la convocatoria de mayo-junio se aceptarán aquellas solicitudes que lleguen por correo postal certificado, siempre que vayan acompañadas de toda la documentación necesaria. En este caso, será necesario que envíes comprobante de haber hecho el envío dentro del plazo establecido para la presentación de las solicitudes mediante un correo electrónico a la Gestión Académica: [email protected]. Las solicitudes deberán dirigirse a la atención de la Gestión Académica (EUSS) - Pg. San Juan Bosco, 74, 08017 Barcelona.
¿Qué pasa si no dispongo de toda la documentación en la fecha de cierre?
Para que una solicitud sea considerada válida debe contener toda la documentación obligatoria. No se aceptarán solicitudes sin la documentación necesaria.
¿Qué requisitos económicos se piden?
Para poder optar a las becas de Colaboración y Ayuda al estudio, los ingresos brutos per cápita de la unidad familiar no podrán exceder los 25.200 €. Las becas Don Bosco no tienen asociados requisitos de tipo económico.
¿Quiénes son las personas que se consideran sustentadoras principales?
Si demuestras tu independencia económica, tú eres la persona sustentadora principal, junto con la pareja que conviva en el mismo domicilio, si la hubiese.
Si dependes económicamente de terceros, las personas que se consideran sustentadoras principales son tu padre y/o madre o bien la persona que actúe como representante legal. En caso de separación, se considera sustentador o sustentadora principal a la persona con la que se conviva unida por análoga relación.
¿Quiénes son las personas que se consideran sustentadoras no principales?
El resto de familiares que convivan contigo en la vivienda, incluyéndote a ti.
¿Cuándo se abre y se cierra la convocatoria?
Primera convocatoria ordinaria (mayo-junio): del 2 de mayo al 6 de junio de 2024.
En esta convocatoria podéis presentar vuestra solicitud tanto estudiantes de la EUSS como estudiantes de nuevo acceso y podéis optar a las cuatro modalidades de beca: Ayuda al estudio, Colaboración y Don Bosco. Las solicitudes deberán entregarse presencialmente en la Gestión Académica con cita previa.
Segunda convocatoria ordinaria (octubre): del 30 de septiembre al 8 de octubre de 2024.
En esta convocatoria pueden presentar su solicitud solo estudiantes de nuevo acceso y traslados de expediente. Todas las personas que hayáis solicitado beca en la primera convocatoria y vuestras solicitudes hayan sido denegadas entraréis automáticamente a optar a una beca. Esta segunda convocatoria se abre solo para becas de Colaboración. Las solicitudes deberán entregarse presencialmente en la Gestión Académica con cita previa.
¿Cuándo se publicará la resolución provisional? ¿Y la definitiva?
Primera convocatoria ordinaria (junio-julio) |
Estudiantes nuevo acceso: 27/06/2024 |
Estudiantes nuevo acceso: hasta el 04/07/2024 |
Estudiantes nuevo acceso: 08/07/2024 |
Estudiantes de la EUSS: 05/07/2024 |
Estudiantes de la EUSS: hasta el 12/07/2024 |
Estudiantes de la EUSS: 15/07/2024 |
Segunda convocatoria ordinaria (octubre) |
21/10/2024 |
Hasta el 28/10/2024 |
04/10/2024 |
¿Qué puedo hacer si no estoy de acuerdo con la resolución provisional de mi solicitud?
Si no estás conforme con la resolución provisional, podrás presentar un escrito de alegación dirigido al Departamento del estudiante explicando los motivos por los que consideras que tu solicitud debe ser revisada y aportando la documentación que justifique estos motivos, si la hay. Las alegaciones deberán presentarse a la Gestión Académica con cita previa dentro del plazo de 7 días naturales desde la publicación provisional de la resolución de la beca.
¿Son compatibles entre sí las becas de la EUSS?
La beca de Ayuda al estudio y la beca de Colaboración son compatibles entre sí.
La beca Don Bosco es exclusiva y no compatible con las otras dos. Sin embargo, puedes solicitarlas todas y, si se te concede una beca Don Bosco, se anulará automáticamente la opción de optar a cualquiera de las otras dos. De forma análoga, si se te deniega la beca Don Bosco, optarás a cualquiera de las otras dos becas siempre que las hayas solicitado.
¿Son compatibles entre sí las becas de la EUSS con las becas de otros organismos?
Sí, siempre que las bases de la otra beca no indiquen lo contrario. Por ejemplo, las becas de la EUSS son compatibles con la beca de régimen general del Ministerio de Educación.
¿Son compatibles las becas de la EUSS con los descuentos en la matrícula?
Sí, se puede disfrutar de una beca de la EUSS y, además, solicitar todos los descuentos de la matrícula que correspondan, establecidos por la Generalitat de Cataluña en el Decreto de precios públicos: matrícula de honor, familia numerosa, minusvalía, víctimas de terrorismo o violencia de género, etc.
¿Cuánto me pagarán por tener una beca de Ayuda al estudio?
Las becas de Ayuda al estudio no llevan asociado ningún pago. Es un descuento directo del 25% del importe neto de la matrícula, excluyendo las tasas administrativas. El importe neto de la matrícula corresponde al precio final que deberías abonar una vez aplicados los descuentos o bonificaciones a que tengas derecho (familia numerosa, matrícula de honor, etc). El descuento de Ayuda al estudio se aplicará una vez finalizado el período de modificaciones de matrícula que se fija el calendario administrativo en los meses de septiembre-octubre. Por lo tanto, se te descontará de los pagos que tengas pendientes posteriores a esta fecha.
¿Cuánto me pagarán por tener una beca Don Bosco?
Las becas Don Bosco no llevan asociado ningún pago. Igual que en el caso de las becas de Ayuda al estudio, se trata de un descuento directo en la matrícula.
¿Cuánto me pagarán por tener una beca de Colaboración?
El pago de las becas de Colaboración se realiza en dos plazos: uno en diciembre y otro en julio. La cantidad dependerá del servicio o departamento al que se te haya asignado y del número real de horas que hayas realizado. El número máximo de horas a realizar es de 150 por curso y los importes máximos totales por curso varían entre 920 € y 1.245 €.
¿Puedo escoger el servicio o departamento donde realizar la beca de Colaboración o Don Bosco?
Sí, en la hoja de solicitud hay la opción de marcar los servicios o departamentos en los que prefieres realizar la beca. Esto es válido tanto para las becas de Colaboración como para las becas Don Bosco. Sin embargo, la adjudicación final dependerá de tu perfil y del número de solicitudes asociadas al mismo servicio o departamento. En caso de que haya más solicitudes a un determinado servicio o departamento que plazas ofertadas, se seleccionará por orden de puntuación en la baremación.
Si me conceden una beca de Colaboración, ¿Qué horario tendré?
Al inicio del curso tendrás que ponerte en contacto con la persona responsable del departamento o servicio al que te hayan asignado y pactaréis el horario que os vaya bien a ambas partes, teniendo en cuenta que puede haber otras personas asignadas al mismo servicio.
En la convocatoria dice que tengo que hacer un mínimo de horas en "actividades de promoción". ¿Qué son estas actividades?
Todas las personas que tenéis concedida una beca, tendréis que realizar un mínimo de 15 horas en actividades de promoción de la EUSS: Saló de l’Ensenyament, acto de graduación, jornadas de puertas abiertas, sesiones informativas, etc.
¿Qué es el Mentoring?
Si te han concedido una beca de Colaboración o Don Bosco, eres estudiante de segundo a cuarto curso y tienes un buen rendimiento académico, puedes participar en el programa Mentoring para dar soporte a estudiantes de nuevo acceso con dificultades académicas. Las horas que realices como mentor o mentora, normalmente unas 15 h distribuidas a lo largo de varias semanas, serán consideradas horas de beca y se sumarán a las horas que tengas que realizar en el servicio o laboratorio al que se te haya asignado. La dotación económica por hora del Mentoring es equivalente a la dotación económica por hora de Servicios.
¿Qué pasa si no puedo acabar las horas asignadas?
Debes tener en cuenta que la beca de Colaboración es un compromiso con la Escuela. Ahora bien, si tu situación personal cambia y se hace incompatible con tus tareas como becario o becaria, tendrás que presentar una solicitud de renuncia en la Gestión Académica y se te abonarán las horas que hayas hecho hasta el momento de la renuncia.
The enrolment is done by subjects and each subject has a number of credits. Credit price is established annually and in the 2022-2023 academic year is 122,34 euros/credit. Therefore, a new student who enrols 60 credits and without any reduction has to pay 7.340,40 euros plus administrative fees and school insurance (280,62 euros approximately).
As a centre that offers official degrees, our students can obtain reductions that are recognized by law:
Reductions determined by the Decree of public prices of the Generalitat de Catalunya:
Students in the general or special category of large families
Students with a registered disability of 33% or more
Students who have obtained a distinction in High School
Students who are victims of acts of terrorism, their spouses and their children
Students who are victims of domestic violence
Ministry of Education general grants (GRAL): these scholarships are granted by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and in Catalonia are processed online through the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR).
Scholarships of the Rinaldi Foundation: the Rinaldi Private Foundation allocates an annual budget for scholarships to facilitate access to the university to those who need it. For more information, consult the following section.
How can I do the University Pre-enrolment?
University pre-enrolment must be completed online at the university admissions portal, before the deadline established for each pre-enrolment period. You must follow the specific instructions to register correctly and complete the pre-enrolment. In some cases, you may need to submit documents so that the pre-enrolment is valid and you can be included in the process of allocation of places. See the pre-enrolment calendar.
What is the cut-off mark to access the EUSS?
Places at each university are allocated beginning with the application of the student with the highest mark and continuing in descending order until there are no places left. The cut-off mark therefore corresponds to the last student to obtain a place at a particular university centre. As such this mark is not pre-established but varies every year, as it depends on the number of places available at each centre and number of students applying for them at pre-enrolment.
Check cut-off marks here.
When and where do I have to enrol?
As soon as we receive the list of people assigned to the center we will contact you to invite you to the Welcome Session. It is advisable that students attend this session, since in it we will explain practical aspects about the enrolment process and it is a good opportunity to start familiarizing yourself with the center and its operation. In addition, once the reception session is finished, a documentation verification circuit will be carried out and you will be assigned the day and time to register according to your access route.
The registration of new students must be done in person in the Academic Management Office.
I cannot attend on my enrolment date, may I sent another person to do it for me?
We recommend that you enrol yourself, since you will have to choose between different options (schedule, partial or complete dedication, if you want to take subjects in English ...) and delegating it to another person can lead to errors. If, despite this, it is impossible for you to come, another person may come with an authorisation. It is enough with a document signed by you that states your authorisation and a photocopy of your ID card and that of the authorised person.
Make sure to leave this person all the documentation prepared and keep easily located for any doubts that may arise.
What documentation will I need to enrol?
Check the section Access, admission and enrolment to see the necessary documentation according to your access route.
If you have any doubt about the documentation it is important that you contact the Academic Management Office before the day of enrolment.
Can I choose class hours?
We have three time slots in the first two courses: morning (8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.), afternoon (3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.) and night (5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.). When you enrol you can choose your class hours as long as there are free seats on the sessions of your choice.
In the third and fourth years, classes are mainly in the afternoon.
Night time is designed for people who work and who want to study part-time.
I am currently working and I want to do my studies slowly. Is there a slow route option?
Yes. If you are enroling for the first time in the first year of a bachelor's degree course, you will have to decide whether to enrol as a full-time or part-time student.
If you are enroling as a full-time student, you must enrol in all the credits that make up first year (60 credits). In case you have recognised first year subjects from your previous studies, you can complete the registration with subjects from other courses. From the second year onwards, you will need to enrol in between 42 and 78 credits.
If you are enroling as a part-time student, in the first year you must enrol in 30 credits. From the second year onwards, you will need to enrol in between 24 and 42 credits.
You are allowed to change your study load twice throughout your studies.
How to make the registration payment?
Unlike other universities, in the EUSS we make annual enrolments, that is, you will enrol once and for all the subjects you will study throughout the first and second semester. However, in order to facilitate the payment of tuition, the total amount is divided into two payments that are domiciled in the bank account that you have provided us. The first payment is 60% of the total enrolment and it takes place a few days after completing it, while the remaining 40% is domiciled at the beginning of the month of December.
In case you want to make monthly payments, it is possible to apply for a loan to a financial entity. We have an agreement with Caja de Ingenieros to achieve this with more favorable conditions.
Can I benefit from any reduction in enrolment?
As a center that offers official degrees, our students can obtain reductions that are recognised in the Decree of public prices of the Generalitat de Catalunya:
If you are in one of these situations, you must submit the supporting documentation on the day of your enrolment.
Can I get some kind of financial help?
As a student of the EUSS you can apply to the following scholarships:
Scholarships from the Ministry of Education and those of the Rinaldi Foundation are compatible.
I have begun studies at another university, but I want to change to the EUSS. What documentation do I need to recognise subjects that I have already studied in the other university?
Students who have completed university courses (subjects / modules) can apply for credit recognition once they have been admitted to other studies. The previous studies may have been at the UAB or any other university in Spain or abroad.
Documentation needed:
You must pay a fee for the request for recognition at the time of submitting the documentation. Consult the current rates in the Academic Management Office.
I've finished an advanced vocational training course. Can I make recognition of credits?
Yes, students from some advanced vocational training courses (CFGS) who are starting on our degrees may apply for their CFGS credits to be recognised and added to their UAB academic transcript. Certain subjects on the corresponding degree syllabus will be recognised as passed, in accordance with the ruling of the UAB's Academic Affairs Committee.
The recognition will apply to the whole group of subjects included in this ruling and will be recorded in the students' academic transcripts as "apt" and specifying they have been recognised, which means that the subject is regarded as passed but is not taken into consideration when calculating the global average grade for the academic transcript.
You must pay a fee for the request for recognition at the time of submitting the documentation. Consult the current rates in the Academic Management Office.
Can I modify my enrolment?
If you wish to make a change to your registration you can submit a request to the Academic Management Office within the two established periods.
In the first period for making requests (September), you may ask for first and second semester subjects to be modified. You can add or delete subjects and the changes in the total amount of money will be reflected in the second payment of the registration.
In the second period (February) you may ask for second-semester subjects to be modified and if it will not imply an increase in the registration fee. Therefore, it is not possible to add subjects (except if it is to finish your studies or if you add the Final Project or Internship) and, if you cancel any subject, you will not be refunded.
Can I cancel my registration?
Yes, whenever you request the cancellation of enrolment within the period established in the Administrative Calendar.
You must submit an application in the Academic Management Office detailing your reasons and justify them documentally. The Administration will analyse your application and, in accordance with the UAB Academic Regulations, will decide if a refund is applicable, except for the amount paid for processing your academic transcript.
If you have cancelled your registration because the University Admissions Office has given you a place on another course, you will be entitled to a refund only until the date specified on the Decree on public prices, except for the amount paid for processing your academic transcript.
If I have not met the requirements at another university does this count at the UAB?
Students switching to UAB courses from other universities are subject to the rules on continuation of studies from the moment they join the UAB and their previous academic record at the university of origin is not taken into consideration.
How many times can I enrol the same subject? How are the calls consumed calculated?
You can make up to three enrolments to pass a subject, taking into account that both the "Not evaluated" and "Suspended" qualifications mean consuming a call.
Once you have exhausted the three regular registrations, you have the possibility of requesting an extraordinary registration. In case this application is denied or you consume the extraordinary registration of a subject, you will have to abandon your studies.
How many credits must I obtain every academic year?
How does the Service of Professional Orientation and Insertion work?
The EUSS Service of Professional Orientation and Insertion promotes the integration of our students and graduates by putting them in contact with companies through an online employment application that manages job offers as well as professional internships, and guiding them in the improvement of their skills.
In addition, seminars are given on different tools and resources to be used in the search for work and conferences are organised in order to create a meeting place between the business world and the university world.
Will I be able to continue my studies after I finish my bachelor's degree?
Once you finish your bachelor's degree in engineering, you can continue doing a master's degree or postgraduate studies. Below, you will find the options offered by the EUSS: