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Research description

In this area, we work on different research line about vehicular pollutant emissions. We are developing different computer systems towards simulating traffic, emissions and their impact on pedestrians in Mexico City, in collaboration with the UNAM (Mexico).


Current projects



Researcher EUSS

Dr. Ulises Diego



Relevant publications

  • "Personal Exposure to PM2.5 in the Megacity of Mexico: A Multi-Mode Transport Study", Iván Y. Hernández-Paniagua, Gema L. Andraca-Ayala, Ulises Diego-Ayala, Luis G. Ruiz-Suarez, Juan C. Zavala-Reyes, Silvia Cid-Juárez, Luis Torre-Bouscoulet, Laura Gochicoa-Rangel, Irma Rosas-Pérez and Arón Jazcilevich,  Atmosphere, 9(2), 57 (2018)
  • “A vehicle emissions system using a car simulator and a geographical information system: Part 1--system description and testing”,  A. D. Jazcilevich, A. García-Fragoso, A. García-Reynoso, M. Grutter de la Mora, U. Diego-Ayala, J. Lents, N. Davis, Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 57(10), 1234-40 (2007)
  • The Mechanical Hybrid Vehicle, an investigation of a vehicular regenerative energy capture system, U. Diego-Ayala, P Martinez-Gonzalez, N McGlashan, and K R Pullen, Proceedings of the IMechE, Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, vol 222, (11), p. 2087-2101 (2008)
  • An evaluation of the hybrid car technology for the Mexico Mega City, A. Jazcilevich, A. Garcia-Reynoso, M. Grutter, J. Delgado, U. Diego-Ayala, M. Suarez-Lastra, M. Zuk, R. Gonzalez-Oropeza, J. Lents, N. Davis, Journal of Power SourcesVolume 196, Issue 13, p. 5704–5718 (2011)




  • Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera of the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México (UNAM), Departament of Environmental Science
  • Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán (CICY), Material Depatment

          Dr. Arón Jazcilevich Diamant, Iván Y. Hernández-Paniagua, Irma Rosas-Pérez, Luis G. Ruiz-Suarez, Juan C. Zavala-Reyes