Mensaje de error

Ordered weighted averaging methods (OWA) for decision making



Research description

At present the research in this line is focused on: 

a) Application of quantitative methods of sustainability in Supply Chains and investigate Green products.

b) The application of ordered weighted average (OWA) method as a decision-making tool in different areas of the business.

c) Bibliometric analysis of new trends in two areas mentioned in points a and b.


The following studies are currently under way: 


1. Evolution of the academic research on Supply Chain and Global Warming (submitted to Computers and Industrial Engineering)

2. A bibliometric overview of Environmental Modeling & Software (submitted to Environmental Modeling & Software)

3. A bibliometric analysis of Energy for Sustainable Development

4. Environmental Research analysis: a systematic overview


Researchers EUSS

Dr. Keivan Amirbagheri, Dr. Roberto Arjones

Relevant publications

  • "Celebrating half a century of Environment and Behavior: A bibliometric review", Environment and Behavior, Milfont, T. L., Amirbagheri, K., Hermanns, E., & Merigó, J. M. , 51(5), 469-501 (2019).
  • "Research on green supply chain: a bibliometric analysis", Amirbagheri, K., Núñez-Carballosa, A., Guitart-Tarrés, L., & Merigó, J. M., Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 21(1), 3-22 (2019).
  • "A bibliometric analysis of supply chain analytical techniques published in Computers & Industrial Engineering", Cancino, C. A., Amirbagheri, K., Merigó, J. M., & Dessouky, Y. , Computers & Industrial Engineering, 137, 106015 (2019).
  • "OWA operators in the calculation of the average green-house gases emissions", Amirbagheri, K., Merigó, J. M., Guitart-Tarrés, L., & Nuñez-Carballosa, A., Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, (Preprint), 1-13 (2020).


  • Dr. José M. Merigó Lindahl (Universidad de Chile & Universidad Tecnología de Sydney)
  • Dr. Taciano Lemos Milfont (Universidad de Waikato)
  • Dr. Jian-Bo Yang (Universidad de Manchester
  • Dr. Christian A Cancino (Universidad de Chile)
  • Dra. Laura Guitart Tarrès (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Dra. Ana Núñez Carballosa (Universidad de Barcelona)
  • Dr. Yasser Dessouky (Universidad Estatal de San José)