Dr.Víctor Martínez Junza

Science Department - Academic Area

Email: [email protected]

Office: Desp. professors (DT10)

Phone: +34 935039147

EUSS Address: Escola Universitària Salesiana de Sarrià
Pg. Sant Joan Bosco, 74 - 08017 Barcelona
Telf: +34 932 805 244 - Fax: +34 932 806 642

Academic CV

Doctor/a en Química Orgànica i Bioquímica, especialitat Química i Enginyeria Química
(2006, Universitat Ramon Llull)
Llicenciat/da en Química
(2000, Universitat Ramon Llull)


Report for Tenure-track lecturer
(29/01/2013, Agència per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari de Catalunya)


Cap de l'Àrea acadèmica

Social networks



Dr. Víctor Martínez graduated in Chemistry from the Ramon Llull University (1999) and obtained the degree of Chemical Engineer from IQS in 2001, when he started his PhD thesis on the use of laser-induced optoacoustic spectroscopy in electron transfer studies in both single systems and supermolecules. The thesis was developed entirely in Prof.Dr. Braslavsky's group at the Max Planck Insitut für Strahlenchemie (Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany) and was co-directed by Prof.Dr. Santiago Nonell from the Instituto Químico de Sarrià (IQS). After obtaining his PhD degree in 2006 from the Ramon Llull University, he extended his stay at the Max Planck Institute to carry out two post-doctoral stays. In the first one, a new nanosecond flash photolysis equipment was set up in order to continue studying electron transfers in systems of biological interest, and in the second one, with the intention of deepening studies in complex biological systems, the protective role of carotenes in photosystem II was studied. At the end of 2008, one of the work centers of the University of Münster (Germany), the Center for Nanotechnology (CenTech), gave him the opportunity to enter the field of nanotechnology and to study the use of Zeolite-L and how to arrange supramolecules by external stimuli. At the beginning of 2012, shortly after returning from Germany, he joined the "Formació Bàsica" department as a lecturer at the EUSS, a department for which he became responsible at the end of 2014. Since then she has combined research with teaching and, in the last year, she has decided to take advantage of the strong commitment of the EUSS to new teaching methodologies and focus her research on the use of new methodologies based on active learning, projects and research.

Scientific interests

Although I am interested in the use of optoacoustics and other spectroscopic techniques in the study of electronic transfer systems, I am not currently involved in any directly related project and I am focused on the study of the implementation of new teaching methodologies based on active learning, projects and research, such as the study and research paths (SRPs) in the field of higher education, more specifically, in the didactics of mathematics in technical degree studies and how the application of these active methodologies smooth the different transitions present between the stages of training.


Electron transfer, flash photolysis, LIOAS (Laser-Induced-Optoacoustic-Spectroscopy), nanomaterials. Didactics of mathematics, didactics of engineering, enquiry learning, anthropological theory of didactics.

Most significant academic merits

Publications: 11; Cites totals: 127 (06/10/2021) Publications in the first quartile (Q1): 5; h-index=6 Capítols de llibre invitats: 1 Contribucions a Congresos: 9 (5 internacionals) Member of the evaluation committee of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for scholarship applications in Spain since 2017.


Max Planck Society Scholarship for postgraduate studies (2002-2003). DAAD/La Caixa scholarship for postgraduate studies (2004-2005). Head of the "Formació Bàsica" department of the EUSS since 2014.

Scientifics highlights

1. "Conformational and Photophysical Studies on Porphyrin-containing Donor-bridge-Acceptor Compounds. Charge Separation in Micellar Nanoreactors", V.Martinez-Junza, A. Rizzi, K.Joliffe, M.N.Paddon-Row i S.E.Braslavsky. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 7, 4114-4125.
2. "Photoinduced Electron Transfer from Tetrasulphonated Porphyrin to Benzoquinone revisited.The strutural volume-normalized entropy change correlates with Marcus reorganization energy." G.O.Andres, V.Martinez-Junza, L.Crovetto i S.E.Braslavsky. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 110, 10185-10190.
3. "Photophysical Properties of Structurally and Electronically Modified Flavin Derivatives Determined by Spectroscopy and Theoretical Calculations." Salzmann, S.; Martinez-Junza, V.; Zorn, B.; Braslavsky, S.E.; Mansurova, M.; Marian, C.M.; Gartner, W., Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 113, 9365-9375.
4. "A photoprotection mechanism involving the D(2) branch in photosystem II cores with closed reaction centers." V.Martinez-Junza, M.Szczepaniak, S.E.Braslavsky, J.Sander, M.Nowaczyk, M.Rogner i A.R. Holzwarth. Photochemical and Phtobiological Sciences, 7, 1337-1343.
5. "Manipulation and Orientation of Zeolite L by Using a Magnetic Field" Fibikar, S.; Luppi, G.; Martinez-Junza, V.; Clemente-Leon, M.; DeCola, L.Chempluschem, 1, 62-67