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Epistemology and didactics




Research description

The Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (ATD) is a theory on didactic mathematics that was introduced by a French mathematician, Yves Chevellard, in 1991. The ATD is an epistemological model of mathematical knowledge that can be applied to investigate human mathematical activities. Characteristics of ATD are: its focus on the social determinations of the phenomena investigated, their pattern of analysis of the cultures based on the praxeological model, its institutional and epistemological approach to teaching. One of the tools emerging from ATD are Study and Research Paths (SRPs). SRPs have also been recently used in teacher education as a way to provide teachers with new epistemological models of the mathematical domains and topics that are to be taught. In this context, SRPs appear as both teaching devices and analytic tools to question and reconstruct curricular mathematical contents. The links between SRPs and the construction of alternative epistemological models of the contents to be taught open new research questions at the edge between epistemology and didactics.


Some of the research lines under investigation at present at EUSS are:


  • Mathematics for Engineers
  • Training of university teachers
  • Evolution of engineering programs


Current Projects


  • “Condiciones para la Transición entre Paradigmas en la Educación Universitaria (EDUParadigms-HE)”, PID2021-126717NB-C33  Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, IP1: Dr. Jordi Cuadros (IQS), IP2: Dr. Ignasi Florensa (EUSS), 2021-2023


Investigadors EUSS

Dr. Ignasi Florensa, Dra. Íria Fraga, Dr. Víctor Martínez, Dr. Elena Bartolomé

Relevant publications

  • “Contribuciones de los recorridos de estudio e investigación en la universidad: el caso de la formación del profesorado”, Barquero, B., Bosch, M. y Florensa, I., AIEM -Avancesde investigación en educación matemática, 21, 87-106 (2022)

  • "Study and research paths in the frontier between paradigms, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology”, B. Barquero, M. Bosch, I. Florensa, N. Ruiz-Munzón 53:5, 1213-1229, (2022).

  • “A tripla descontinuidade na formaçao matemática em engenharia como germe de um PEP”, I. Florensa, I. Fraga, V. Martínez, In Almouloud, S., Borges Guerra, R., Santos Farias, L.M., Henriques, A., Viana Nunes, J.M.  PERCURSOS DE ESTUDO E PESQUISA À LUZ DA TEORIA ANTROPOLÓGICA DO DIDÁTICO: fundamentos teórico-metodológicos para a formação. Editora CRV (2022).

  • “Project-based learning in statistics: a critical analysis”, K. Markulin, M. Bosch, I. Florensa, Caminhos da educação matemática em revista (online)/IFS | v. 11, n. 1, ISSN 2358-4750 (2021)

  • “Question-answer maps as an epistemological tool in teacher education”, I. Florensa, M. Bosch, J. Gascón, Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, (2020)

  • “Parcours d’étude et recherche au niveau universitaire :Gérer, analyser et institutionnaliser les savoirs”, B. Barquero, I. Florensa, Actes du Seminaire National en Didactique des Mathematiques, January (2019)

  • I. Florensa, B. Barquero, A. Ruiz-Olarría, In Working with the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic in Mathematics Education, Edited by M. Bosch, Y. Chevallard, F.J. García, J. Managhan, Ed. Routledge, Noviembre (2019).

  • “Study and Research Paths: a new tool for design and management of project based learning in Engineering”, I. Florensa, M. Bosch, J. Gascón, C. Winslow, International Journal of Engineering Education, 34(6), 1848-1862 (2018)

  • "Enriching engineering education with didactics of mathematics: Study and research paths in engineering wducation" I. Florensa, M. Bosch and J. Gasón, IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), Tenerife, pp. 751-759. doi: 10.1109/EDUCON.2018.8363306 (2018)

  • "A posteriori analysis of a SRP-TE as a teacher training tool", Florensa, I., Bosch, M., Gascón, J, Congreso Internacional sobre la Teoría Antropológica de lo Didáctico, Castro Urdiales (Cantabria), 26-30 January (2016)

  • SRP design in an Elasticity course: the role of mathematic modelling, I. Florensa, M. Bosch, J. Gascón, M. Mata, First conference of International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics, Montpellier, France, March (2016)

  • "Enseñando Modelización a Nivel Universitario: La Relatividad Institucional de los Recorridos de Estudio e Investigación", B. Barquero, BOLEMA - Boletim de Educação Matemática, 29 (52), 593-612 (2015)

  • "The epistemological dimension in didactics: two problematic issues", Florensa, I., Bosch, M., Gascón, J Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University, Faculty of Education. University (2015)

  • "Research on university mathematics education within the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic: methodological principles and open questions", M. Bosch, Research in Mathematics Education (RME). Special Issue: University Mathematics Education, 16(2), 112-116 (2014)

  • "Los modelos epistemológicos de referencia como instrumentos de emancipación de la didáctica y la historia de las matemáticas, J. Gascón, Educación Matemática, Número especial 25 años, 99-123 (2014).


Main collaborations

  • Institut Químic de Sarrià. Universitat Ramon LLull, URL (Dra. Marionna Bosch)
  • Departament de Matemàtiques. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, UAB (Dr. Josep Gascon)


Other collaborations

  • Department of Science and Mathematics Education, Copenhagen, Denmark (Dr. Carl Winslow)