Humanistic dimension

Our will: "To train people with the characteristics and skills of engineers"Our goal: "to educate people and engineering professionals." We focus on the know how to BE, and the know how to BEHAVE, applying the Preventive System, a fundamental element of the Salesian style, based on three key pillars: Familiarity, Ingenuity, and Meaning.



... to experience that we are a family.

We are a "welcoming home" and a "playground which teaches how to develop friendships", meaning that EUSS makes us all feel like family in the deepest sense.

We encourage this through:


  • Guidance and support
  • Close and human-centered interaction
  • University Tutoring and Career Guidance:
  • Initial tutoring
  • Support for personal growth
  • Speciality tutoring
  • Career guidance
  • Constant availability and active presence of faculty
  • Student Committee


... to overcome future challenges


We are a "university school that prepares for life," not only through the know-how but, more importantly, through the know how to be by promoting values, attitudes, and noble sentiments.

We cultivate this through:

  • Awareness of our surrounding environment
  • Critical thinking
  • …The pursuit of truth


... to open ourselves to the mysteries of Humanity.


We are a "parish that evangelizes", and the tip of our steeple symbolizes our openness to the great mysteries of human existence, our connection to transcendence.

We foster this through:

  • Silence as a tool for personal growth
  • Self-reflection
  • Self-awareness
  • …spirituality

Dialogue and Interpersonal Relationships

We promote dialogue and interpersonal relationships


  • Constant availability and active presence of faculty, allows for personalized student support, and tutoring from the first year.
  • We encouraging active, responsible, and engaged participation in various activities and student associations, both inside and outside the University.
  • We apply cooperative teamwork methods.
  • We are attentive to the values, and interests of young people.

A Space for Serenity

  • In 2009, the Space for SERENITY was created as an invitation for people to reconnect with themselves.
  • Each of us carries within a "Center of Stillness or Serenity" surrounded by SILENCE. This SPACE aims to help individuals achieve that inner silence necessary to experience the richness of their own inner world.

Famous Quotes

As a Salesian university institution, EUSS is committed to transmitting culture, especially the culture that enriches the individual and encourages personal growth.

Inspired by the Salesian tradition of "Good Night" reflections, we have placed a selection of famous quotes in our cloister.


"Good Night" reflections are a fundamental element of Salesian culture." (Pascual Chávez, Rector Major of the Salesians of Don Bosco 2002-2014)


"Every night, after the usual prayers and before students go to rest, the Director or someone in his place should offer a few heartfelt words in public (...); however, this practice should never exceed two or three minutes. This is the key to morality, good discipline, and successful education." (Oratory Regulations, 1854)


These are quotes displayed on the inner columns of the four wings of our cloister grouped into four themes.



  • "Being a good person does not mean never making mistakes, but knowing how to recognize and correct them." — Don Bosco
  • "The happiness of nations depends on the sound education of youth." — Don Bosco
  • "It is not enough to love young people; they must also feel that they are loved." — Don Bosco
  • "Every young person, no matter how rebellious, has a point of sensitivity to kindness; it is the educator's job to find it." — Don Bosco
  • "We must be tolerant because even the sun has spots." — Don Bosco
  • "Tenderness in speaking, acting, and warning can achieve anything." — Don Bosco
  • "We must sow and, like the farmer, patiently wait for the harvest." — Don Bosco
  • "For us, holiness consists of always being joyful." — Dominic Savio



  • "Seek TRUTH, Live GOODNESS, and Create BEAUTY." — Alexandre Damians
  • "Luck is not a circumstance but an attitude." — Rochefoucauld
  • "We are all architects of our future." — Albert Einstein
  • "Dialogue is the highest form of truth-seeking." — Alexandre Damians
  • "Every failure brings with it the seed of a future success." — Truman Capote
  • "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • "It is easier to split an atom than to break a prejudice." — Albert Einstein
  • "A wise person does not say everything they think, but thinks everything they say." — Aristotle
  • "Reason is the most evenly distributed thing in the world: everyone thinks they have more than enough." — Descartes
  • "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either way you're right." — Henry Ford



  • "Patience achieves everything." — Saint Teresa
  • "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." — Jesus of Nazareth
  • "The certainty of faith comes after faith itself." — Simone Weil
  • "There is more happiness in giving than in receiving." — Pope Francis
  • "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." — Jesus of Nazareth
  • "God does not play dice." — Albert Einstein
  • "Let no evil words come out of your mouth, only words that build others up and do good to those who hear them." — Saint Paul the Apostle
  • "Faith explains things that the senses cannot. Therefore, it does not contradict them but rises above them." — Blaise Pascal
  • "I do not want to be right; I want to be merciful." — Pope Francis



  • "Only in silence can one hear the inner voice." — Alexandre Damians
  • "Listening is one of the finest forms of love." — Carl Rogers
  • "In death, there is immortality." — Raimon Panikkar
  • " If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it. And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! — Rudyard Kipling
  • "There is no path to peace; peace is the path." — Mahatma Gandhi