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Superconducting coated conductors




Research description

Superconducting materials, exhibiting outstanding current performances with few loses compared to conventional materials, have an enormous interest in the field of power applications. The Superconducting Group at ICMAB, collaborating with the EUSS Research Group, is intensively investigating the development of Coated Conductor tapes, based on high Tc YBCO superconducting thin films, fabricated by chemical-solution-deposition. This low-cost methodology would enable the industrial fabrication of km-length superconducting cables. Among other issues, we are investigating the vortex pinning mechanisms of different types of nanometric defects (naturally present, or artificially induced) embedded in the YBCO thin-film, in views of obtaining superconductors with yet higher critical current densities. The characterization of the YBCO thin-films is performed by combining different structural (X-ray diffraction, SEM, TEM…) and magnetic techniques (DC and AC magnetometry, resistivity, Hall imaging, XAS&XMCD etc).


Current projects


  • “Cintas superconductoras y heteroestructuras de óxidos de bajo coste para el reto energético (SUPER COACH)”, MINECO, MAT2014-51778-C2-1-R1
  • Grup de Recerca Consolidat de Catalunya (SGR 2017): "Materials superconductors i nanoestructures a gran escala", Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR), Generalitat de Catalunya , 2017-SGR-1519


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Researcher EUSS


Dra. Elena Bartolomé


Recent publications

  • “Embedded Magnetism in YBa2Cu3O7 Associated to Cu-O Vacancies within Nanoscale Intergrowths: Implications for Superconducting Current Performance”, E. Bartolomé, B. Mundet, R. Guzmán, J. Gázquez, S.M. Valvidares, J. Herrero-Martín, E. Pellegrin, T. Puig, X. Obradors, ACS Applied Nanomaterials, 3(3), 3050-3059 (2020)
  • “Intrinsic anisotropy and pinning anisotropy in nanostructured YBa2Cu3O7-delta from microwave measurements”, N. Pompeo, A. Alimenti, K. Torokhtii, E. Bartolomé, A. Palau, T. Puig, A. Augieri, V. Galluzzi, A. Mancini, G. Celentano, X. Obradors, E. Silva, Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(4), 044017 (2020)
  • “Vortex pinning properties at dc and microwave frequencies of YBa2Cu3O7-x films with nanorods and nanoparticles”, E. Bartolomé, J. Alcala, F. Valles, A. Palau*, T. Puig, X. Obradors, N. Pompeo, A. Alimenti, K. Torokhtii, F. Rizzo, A. Augieri, Superconductor Science and Technology, 33(7), 074006 (2020)
  • “Intrinsic anisotropy versus effective pinning anisotropy in YBCO thin-films and nanocomposites”, E. Bartolomé, F. Vallés, A. Palau, V. Rouco, N. Pompeo, F.F. Balakirev, B. Maiorov, L. Civale, T. Puig, X. Obradors, E. Silva, Physical Review B, 100(5), 054502 (2019)
  • Hybrid YBCO Superconducting-Ferromagnetic Nanocomposite Thin Films prepared from Colloidal Chemical Solution Deposition”, E. Bartolomé, P. Cayado, E. Solano, C. Mocuta, S. Ricart, B. Mundet, M. Coll, J. Gázquez, A. Meledin, G. van Tendeloo, S.M. Valvidares, J. Herrero-Martín et al., Advanced Electronic Materials, 1700037 (2017)

  • “Emerging Diluted Ferromagnetism in High-Tc Superconductors Driven by Point Defect Clusters”, J. Gazquez, R. Guzman, R. Mishra, E. Bartolomé, J. Salafranca, C. Magén, M. Varela, M. Coll, A. Palau, S. M. Valvidares, P. Gargiani, E. Pellegrin et al., Advances Science, 1500295. DOI: 10.1002/advs.201500295 (2016)

  • “Vortex creep in TFA-YBCO nanocomposite films”, V. Rouco, E. Bartolomé, B. Maiorov, A. Palau, L. Civale, X. Obradors and T. Puig, Superconductor Science and Technology, 27, 115008 (2014)

  • “Magnetic and structural characterization of inkjet-printed TFAYBa2Cu3O7-x/MODCZO/ABADYSZ/SS coated conductors”, E. Bartolome, R. Vlad, A. Calleja, M. Aklalouch, R. Guzman, J Arbiol, X. Granados, A. Palau, X. Obradors, T. Puig and A. Usokin, Superconductor Science and Technology, 26, 125004 (2013)

  • “Nanostrain induced pinning in YBa2Cu3O7-x nanocomposites even close to the irreversibility line”, V. Rouco, E. Bartolomé, A. Palau, M. Coll Bau, X. Obradors and T. Puig,    Superconductor Science and Technology, 25, 122001 (2012)


Main collaboration


          Prof. Xavier Obradors, Prof. Teresa Puig, Dr. Xavier Granados, Dr. Anna Palau, Dr. Susagna Ricart, Dr. Jaume Gázquez


Others collaborations


  • Università di Roma, Italy: Dr. Enrico Silva
  • ALBA Synchrotron facility: Dr. Manuel Valvidares, Dr. Javier Herrero