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Molecular magnetism of multi-functional materials




Research description

Multifunctional molecular materials are organo-metallic compounds that can combine various physical or chemical properties. They are of great interest due to their versatility and application in various fields, for example in computing, catalysis, sensors, gas separation, biomedicine etc.


In particular, Single-Ion Magnets (SIMs) and Single Molecule Magnets (SMMs) are being intensively investigated due to their rich physical phenomenology and potential application in high-density information storage, quantum computing, spintronics, molecular switches etc.


Molecular chemistry offers a very attractive strategy to produce identical nano-magnetic systems, at the limit of miniaturization, that can be reproducibly synthesized and self-organize on surfaces, which is a prerequisite for device fabrication.


We are currently investigating on the preparation and characterization of different systems:


Molecular magnets (SIMs and SMMs) based on lanthanides:

- Magnetic relaxation mechanisms down to very low temperatures

- Bifunctional compounds with SMM behavior and luminescence


Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs):

- 2D-MOFs bifunctional based on lanthanides

- 2D MOFs of lanthanides deposited on functionalized surfaces

- Magnetic MOFs based on transition compounds


Magnetism of evaporated molecules on the surface:

- Phetalocyanines (FePc), cyclic molecules (Cr10) etc


The study of these materials is carried out by combining structural characterization techniques (XRD, LEED, XPS, SEM-EDX microscopy, TEM, STM, AFM), magnetometry (dc, ac down to mK), specific heat, synchrotron techniques (XAS, XMCD ), neutrons (INS), luminescence and calculations (ab initio, MonteCarlo, DFT).


Current projects


  • “Magnetic anisotropy tuning: Domain Walls, Antidots and Relaxation in Ferromagnetic and Molecular Spintronics (DWARFS)” (DWARFS), MINECO, MAT2014-53921-R

  • “Radiación Sincrotrón y Materiales – Investigación básica y Aplicaciones” (RASMIA), E12-20R, 01/01/2020 a 31/10/2022, IP: Dr. Fernando Bartolomé (INMA-CSIC)


Researcher EUSS


Dra. Elena Bartolomé, Dr. Pablo Sevilla, Dr. Ll. Servera, Dr. J. M. Ruíz


Recent publications

  • “Enhanced Magnetism through Oxygenation of FePc/Ag(110) Monolayer Phases”, E. Bartolomé, J. Bartolomé, F. Sedona, J. Lobo-Checa, D. Forrer, J. Herrero-Albillos, M. Piantek, J. Herrero-Martín, D. Betto, E. Velez-Fort, L. M. García, M. Panighel, A. Mugarza, M. Sambi, and F. Bartolomé, Journal of Physics Chemistry C, 124(25), 13993-14006 (2020)
  • “Coumarin-lanthanide based compounds with SMM behavior and high quantum yield luminescence”, A. Arauzo, L. Gasque, S. Fuertes, C. Tenorio, S. Bernès and E. Bartolomé, Dalton Transactions, 49, 13671-13684 (2020)
  • “High relaxation barrier in Neodymium furoate-based field-induced SMMs”, E. Bartolomé, A. Arauzo, J. Luzón, S. Melnic, S. Shova, D. Prodius, I.C. Nlebedim, F. Bartolomé, J. Bartolomé, Dalton Transactions, 48, 15386-15396 (2019)
  • “Recent Progress on Relaxation of Lanthanide Molecular Magnets”, E. Bartolomé, A. Arauzo, J. Luzón, J. Bartolomé, F. Bartolomé, (Libro Review), Handbook of Magnetic Materials, 26; Elsevier B.V., Edited by Ekkes Brück (2018), ISBN: 1-289, 978-0-444-63927-1
  • “Heteronuclear TbxEu1-x furoate 1D polymers presenting luminescent properties and SMM behavior”, E. Bartolomé, J. Bartolomé, A. Arauzo, J. Luzón, R.Cases, S. Fuertes, V. Sicilia, A.I. Sanchez-Cano, J. Aporta, S. Melnic, D. Prodius, S.Shova,, , Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 6(19), 5286-5299 (2018)
  • “Chemical tunnel-splitting-engineering in a dysprosium-based molecular nanomagnet”, M.A.Sorensen, U.B.Hansen, M.Perfetti, K.S.Pedersen, E.Bartolomé, G.G. Simeoni, H. Mutka, S. Sols, M. Jeong, I. Zivkovic, M. Retuerto, A. Arauzo, J. Bartolome, S. Piligkos, H. Weihe, Hogni, L.H. Doerrer, J. van Slageren, H.M. Ronnow, K. Lefmann, J. Bendix,  Nature Communications, 9, 1292 (2018)
  • “Magnetic Anisotropy Switch: Easy Axis to Easy Plane Conversion and Vice Versa”, M. Perfetti, M. Sorensen, U.B. Hansen, H. Bamberger, S. Lenz, P.P. Hallmen, T. Fennell, G.G. Simeoni, A. Arauzo, J. Bartolomé, E. Bartolomé, K. Lefmann, H. Weihe, J. van slageren, J. Bendix, Advanced Functional Materials, 196, (2018) 
  • “Magnetic relaxation versus 3D long-range ordering in {Dy2Ba(a-fur)8}n furoate polymers”, E. Bartolome, J. Bartolome, S. Melnic et al.,  Dalton Transactions, 43(28), 10999-11013 (2014)
  • “{Dy(a-fur)3}n: from double relaxation single-ion magnet behavior to 3D ordering”, E. Bartolomé, J. Bartolomé, S. Melnic et al., Dalton Transactions, 42(28), 10153 (2013)
  • “Structural and magnetic properties of some lanthanide (Ln = Eu(III), Gd(III) and Nd(III)) cyanoacetate polymers: field-induced slow magnetic relaxation in the Gd and Nd substitutions”, A. Arauzo, A. Lazarescu, S. Shova et al., Dalton Transactions, 43(32), 12342-12356 (2014)
  • “Relevant Properties for Immobilizing Short Peptides on Biosurfaces,” P. Sevilla, J. Gil, and C. Aparicio, IRBM, vol. 38, no. 5 (2017)

  • “Surface immobilization and bioactivity of TGF-β1 inhibitor peptides for bone implant applications,” P. Sevilla, K. V. Vining, J. Dotor, D. Rodriguez, F. J. Gil, and C. Aparicio, J. Biomed. Mater. Res. - Part B Appl. Biomater., vol. 104, no. 2, (2016)

  • “Anhydride-functional silane immobilized onto titanium surfaces induces osteoblast cell differentiation and reduces bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation,” M. Godoy-Gallardo, J. Guillem-Marti, P. Sevilla, J. M. Manero, F. J. Gil, and D. Rodriguez, Mater. Sci. Eng. C, vol. 59, (2016).



Main collaboration


  • Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (INMA), CSIC - Universidad de Zaragoza 

          Dra. Ana Arauzo, Dr. Javier Rubín, Dr. Fernando Bartolomé, Prof. Juan Bartolome

  • Dept. Química Inorgànica i Orgànica, Universitat de Barcelona

          Dra. Carolina Sañudo, Dr. Jesús Jover, Sr.Jonay González, Dr. Jorge Echeverría, Dr. Guillem Gabarró 


Other collaborations

  • Centro Universitario de la Defensa (CUD), Academia General Militar, Zaragoza: Dr- Javier Luzón
  • Depto. Química Inorgánica, Universidad de Zaragoza: Dra. Sara Fuertes 
  • Institute of Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, Moldova: Dra. Silvia Melnic
  • Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni" Iasi, Iasi, Romania: Dr. Sergiu Shova
  • ICNN2, Barcelona: Dr. Aitor Mugarza
  • Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche, Università di Padova, Italy: Dr. Francesco Sedona, Prof. Mauro Sambi
  • UNAM, Mexico: Dra. Laura Gasque, Dr. Sylvain Bernès